
The Legend of Heroes II :Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch

 英題は「The Legend of Heroes II :Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch」。
 「II」なのは、北米だと最初に出たのが「朱紅い雫」の為。また、題名からもわかるように「白き魔女」は「White Witch」ではなく「Moonlight Witch」(直訳すると「月光の魔女」「月明かりの魔女」)となっており、ゲーム中でもこの名で語られます。

序章 小さな巡礼者
第一章 テグラの宝石
第二章 ボルト大決戦
第三章 三都橋の幻影
第四章 聖獣の住む森
第五章 わかたれた湖
第六章 動き出す予言
第七章 巡礼者の軌跡
最終章 やさしき魔女



This tale is the final tale from the time when people believed that no land existed on the other side of Gagharv, or beyond the Backbone of the Great Serpent...
Back then, this land was known as Tirasweel.
It was devided into eight provinces - Pholthia, Menarth, Chanom, Ambisch, Udor, Oldos, Phenthe and Ghidona.
The provinces were not without their problems, but their people enjoyed a humble prosperity, their concerns forcusing on everyday life.
Myth, sagas, fables...
Where people dwell, legends are bound to emerge.
One such legend told of a Moonlight Witch, who toured the provinces twenty years ago on a journey of pilgrimage.



Her silver hair, tinted with a touch of violet, would shimmer beautifully in moonlight, as ears of wheat in the morning sun.
Her bluish eyes were as pure as a forest spring.

Through snowy, windy or moonlight nights, she journeyed on in anonymity, each step taking her slowly but surely towards her final goal.

She would turn up one day in town, looking like any ordinary girl.

With a calm demeanor and loneliness in her eyes, the girl would travel from town to town, her words remembered by those she met.

She warned people of things to come.
The paths they should take.
Things they should not forget.

Advice that would steer them clear of danger before the ripples of unrest could rise and do them harm...

The girl trudged on as if on a mission.

She was a Witch by birth, born with the powers of divination.

People would praise her when she foresaw the good, and blame her for cursing them when she foretold evil.

Somewhere along the way, people began to call her the Moonlight Witch.

This was twenty years ago, before Kand or Chapel spells, in a time when magic wag rare and obscure.

A time when Witches were still feared and respected.

The Moonlight Witch eventually disappeared from sight.
Her whereabouts are now a mystery, her name but another of the numerous legends.

Long ago, a girl known as the Moonlight Witch traveled the land of Tirasweel.

The Moonlight Witch eventually disappeared, her words remembered by many.

They say that her hair was silver with the slightest touch of purple, and even in moonlight it shined beautyfully like the dawn on dewy grass. Her eyes were blue, and as clear as any natural spring.
She left only words, and then she left.

Prologue:Pilgrims(巡礼者たち/「序章 小さな巡礼者」)


[Jurio's Father]
Tomorrow's your big day.
It's off on the pilgrimage for you...
...But how come you're already wearing your pilgrimage clothes?
Don't worry!(いいじゃない。)
I'm not going to stain or tear them. Yet.(へるもんじゃないし。)
[Jurio's Mother]
I'm so worried.
Will Jurio and Chris really be safe on their own?
We'll be okay.
You don't need to worry.
[Jurio's Father]
Are you sure?
You cried like a babe,the time you got lost on your way to Raguna.
I was only 10 years old then!
[Jurio's Father]
In any case,if you've inherited my sense on direction, or lack thereof, you're in trouble.
[Jurio's Mother]
I agree. Big trouble.(最悪ですわね。)
[Jurio's Father]
...Anyway, we'll be having a little celebration tonight.


Even you...Forget.
The ancient memory...
Comes back with her words...
Please tell...
The scar that won't heal.
The sin that we left to the earth...
People will forget, but it will live
forever in our hearts...


That's wonderful!
That means you're following the same path the Moonlight Witch took.
This must be twist of fate.
Many prophecies and a life filled with unexpected events!
I've spent half my life studying her.
That's why people think I'm eccentric.
But I must find out the truth about her, whatever it may take.(だが、しっか〜し!彼女の真実を見極めなければならない!たとえ、すべてをなげうってもだ!)
I'm here to collect your loan, sir.(借金は、なげうたないでくださいよ。先生?)
You must pay me back today.


It's nice to see you again.(いや、また会ったね。)
It's truly a twist of fate.(これぞまさしく運命のいたずらと呼ばずして、なんと呼ぼう!)
How did you get here?
Ha,Ha,Ha. I just told you it's an inevitable twist of fate.(はっはっはっはっ……。だから、さけられない運命のいたずらによってなのだよ。)
I no longer have use of the loan shark, because he doesn't understand my research!
A scholar must continue his journey forward with a curious mind.
That's why I got onto this ship.
Uncle Huck! It's just an excuse.
You ran away because you couldn't pay him back, right?
You are stowing yourself away.


This barrel "smell"s so good.(この樽、すっごくいいニヨイがする。)
"Smell"s good?(ニヨイって…。)
You have a strange accent there.
Don't tell me you got drunk just by smelling the rum!(ラム酒の匂いだけで酔ったの!?)

Chapter 1: Gems in Tegura(テグラの宝石)

章タイトルは「gem(s)」ですが、作中では「jewels」。「真紅の炎」はCrimson Fire(s)。


[Mayor Elec]
Oh, travelers, I'm Elec, the Mayor of Tegra.
You've come all the way, but we can't offer you anything.
Galga destroyed everything, as you can see. I'm sorry.
Mayor, don't lose your heart too much.
[Mayor Elec]
"When the earth forgets to produce, a mountain will cross the sea and you will hear the grief-stricken voices of people..."
The prophecy of the witch came true.
The prophecy of the witch?
[Mayor Elec]
A witch who visited us around twenty years ago left these words on her way back from the Shrine.
I laughed away then...The witch probably saw this village being destroyed by Galga in the Magic Mirror of the Shrine.
"When the earth forgets to produce, a mountain will cross the sea and you will hear the grief-stricken voices of people."
Everything she said came true.


Hey, Chris, do you have any idea what she was like --- the witch who traveled like us twenty years ago?
Some say the bad things happening in Menarth is the witch's curse.
But others thank the witch for making their living with peat.
Do you think the Moonlight Witch had a good heart? Or, was she a fearful witch just like those evil witches in fairy tales?
I tend to associate witches with scary-looking old ladies, but the Moonlight Witch may be different.
We should have asked Unclue Huck more about the Witch.

 middle-aged manはもちろん「オジサン」ね。
 あと「I can't continue any more!」はこの後のアルフと番兵とのやりとりでも同様に出てきます。

You should know better.
Everyone can be is serious trouble if he lowers his guard. You should listen to other people when traveling; otherwise, you won't live long.
Understand, middle-aged man?
Do not call me "middle-aged man."(オジサンと呼ぶでない!)
But you are a middle-aged man, aren't you?(でも、オジサンはオジサンでしょうが!!)

Jurio thought he saw sparks between Chris and Alf staring at each other.(ジュリオには、にらみ合ったクリスとアルフの間に火花が散っているように見えた。)
I can't continue any more!(ビシ〜ン…!!)

I am ashamed.
I lost.

Alf's stomach made noise again.


Wow, he's eating like a horse.(あっ、すごい、すごい。食べてる、食べてる。)


I remember someone predicted this around twenty years ago. It was a young lady.
She was traveling like you.
She certainly predicted it. It become the talk of the town at that time, and King Nordik must have heard it, too.
But the rumor was just a rumor, and it died down. It's sad we didn't listen to her.(…やはり、噂は噂にしか止まらんのか。しかし、虚しいものじゃ。せっかくの、あの娘の予言を無駄にしてしまうなんてなぁ。)


[Elder Ugana]
"An evil mountain will appear from the sea and leave the town in ruins."
This is what she was saying about...
What did you just say?
[Elder Ugana]
Well, a girl who visited this town a long time ago left these words.
A girl?(娘…!?)
I shall say she was the Moonlight Witch.(その娘とは、白き魔女のことであろう。)
"I shall say..."Alf, you sound funny again.(ことであろう、だって。アルフさん、また言葉がヘン。)
But wait.
How do you know about the Moonlight Witch?
Ahe left the same prophecy in my country.
By the way, we never asked where you came from, Alf.
I am from Ambisch.
Oh, that makes sense. That's why you knew about the Shrine of Igunis in Ambisch.
I am surprised to know the Moonlight Witch left the same prophecy here.
[Elder Ugana]
Alf, if I may call you that - Please lesten.(アルフ殿とか申されたな。)
Nelva was destroyed just as the prophecy said.(ネルバは予言どおりにガルガに破壊された。)
If the same prophecy exists about Ambisch, you should hurry home.(アンビッシュにも同じ言葉が残されているのなら、急がれよ。)
Go back to your country as soon as possible and tell your king about Galga's attack.(一刻も早く国に戻り、国王にガルガ来襲を知らせたほうがよい。)
Galga destroyed Nelva despite the prophecy. Your shouldn't let these words go to waste like the people in Nelva.(ネルバは予言を知りながらもおめおめとガルガに破壊された。白き魔女の言葉を無駄にするのはこのネルバの街だけで十分じゃ。)
Old man, thank you for your advice.


Well, we're about hailway.
I don't like forests. I feel like getting lost any time.
Really? I love the "smell" of trees.
Jurio, do you smell anything other than trees?
I "smell" sea water!(潮のニヨイ!)
That is right, there is a sea just past this forest.
Jurio, you look like a dog.
Don't tease me.


Hey, you in the shorts, wait up.(ねえ、半ズボンのお兄さん。ちょっと待ってよ。)
What's wrong with my shorts?(なんだよ半ズボンが悪いかよ。)
Nothing. They look great.(ううん。とってもステキよ。)


Hey, I "smell" something good.
Me, too. I think they're baking sweet potatoes!
You shouldn't have seen it.
I'm just joking.
Baked sweet potatoes are the best when it's cold. Have one.
[Jurio & Chris]
You're so shameless.

 ちなみに後半に出てくる妖術使いゲッペウスは「Geppeus the Warlock」。

[Jozef the Traveler]
What can I do? Even regular liners have been cancelled because of Galga.
I write about traveling, so perhaps I should be thankful fot this situation. It gives me a lot to write about later on.
You write about traveling? Do you have any intresting stories to tell us?
Well then, do you know anything about the Moonlight Witch?
[Jozef the Traveler]
The Moonlight Witch?
I'm sorry, but I don't know anything yet.
But I'm also interested in her. I want to do some research on her some day.
Then tell us about the story of Captain Thomas.
[Josef the Traveler]
Captain Thomas? I love Thomasm but since we're in Tyuyell, I'll tell you a story about Tyuyell.
Have you heard of Ortega the Great Sorcerer?
I have. He was the Great Sorcerer who defeated the dragons, right?
[Jozef the Traveler]
That's right. As a matter of fact, they say that Ortega lived somewhere around here.
There's even a legend that says ke killed the dragons on Rotphe Island where Galga may be sleeping now.
Really? But it must have been a long time ago.
[Jozef the Traveler]
It was a long time ago for us, but in the great bounds of time, fifty years is only a short period.(いや、僕たちには昔のことかもしれないけど歴史の流れの中では、ほんの少し前ってとこさ。せいぜい50年くらい前のことだよ。)
So Ortega may still be alive, too.
Then there may still be dragons.
[Jozef the Traveler]
We have Galga, so i'm sure we still have dragons somewhere.


So how about surrounding Galga with ships while the monster is sleeping?
My kicks are fatal.(ねえ、今のうちに船で取り囲んで、やっつけちゃったらどう?私のキックは強烈よ。)
Right. Those kicks can kill.(うん。あれは効くよ。)
You have a radical opinion.(か、過激な意見だな。)
Are you really from a Chapel family?(本当にチャッペルの子供なのか?)


The last time I visited Bolt while traveling, I heard about a prophecy by a witch.
"An evil mountain will appear from the sea and leave the town in ruins."
It must be referring to Galga's attack.
When I heard the prophecy, I learned that a villager gave the witch a place to stay and took care of her.
[Grandma Jene]
It was twenty years ago, but I remember Gueld very well. She was a mysterious girl.
So the Moonlight Witch's name was Gueld.
I've never heard of her. They say witches never reveal their real name.
I think she trusted you very mush.
[Grandma Jene]
I don't think so.
Gueld must be a part of her name, but her real name should be much longer and impossible for humans to pronounce.
I have a question for you. Did Gueld say anything about how we could stop the evil mountain, that is, Galga?
[Grandma Jene]
You can't stop the evil mountain. She said that sadly, staring at the fire in the fireplace.
You can't stop. So there's nothing we can do.
[Grandma Jene]
Oh, she also said that humans could build a path of light and show it the way.
Build a path of light and show it the way.
Thank you, Grandma Jene. You may be remembered as the savior of Ambisch.
[Grandma Jene]
Don't flatter me. I just relayed the message from that girl.(やめとくれ。あたしはあの娘の言っていたことを伝えたまでさ。)


[Grandma Jene]
She always had these sad eyes, as if she had been taking the responsibility for all bad things that were going to happen...(いつも寂しげな目をしている娘じゃった。まるで、すべての災いが自分の罪であるかのように…。)
She must have seen many things no one could see.


[Grandma Jene]
It's up to us to heed the advice of the Moonlight Witch, or let them go to waste.

Chapter 2: Battle of Bolt(ボルトの戦い/「第二章 ボルト大決戦」)


It's all because of your good advice, Mr.Lodi.
Hey, will you drop the "mister" in Mr.Lodi?(そうだ。そのローディさんって、サン付けで呼ぶのは、やめてくれよ。)
But we can't just call our mentor by just his first name! That's rude.
No,no,stop it. There aren't that many people you can call mentor.
The only one worthy of the title MENTOR is Sir Durzel in Pholthia.
Lodi is good enough for me.
Treat me like a friend, will you?(もっと気軽に行こうぜ。)


[Grandma Crowa]
Yeah, she did. And it happened. It's the poison swamp. Dice will get wealthy, but Dartu will be forgotten.(ああ、言っておったよ。そしてそのとおりになったよ。そこの毒沼のことさ。ダイスは豊かになるだろうがダーツは名前さえも忘れられるだろうとな。)
The financial differences will create a poison swamp, is what she said.(その貧富の格差が毒沼を生むと言っておった。)
20 years ago, there was no poison swamp.
The poison swamp was made by the sinking attitude of the people of Dartu.
Your feelings directly affect the trees and grass of Nature. That's what Gueld used to say.(心は自然の大地や草木にも影響するものだ。ゲルドはそう言っておったよ。)


Hey, a kitara player!
A bard is hard to guard, so you'd better be on guard 'cause the bard is coming hard!
[Trova the Kitara Player]
Grandpa Shitora, you havn't changed.
What a stupid joke!
Stupid joke?
It's a great rhyme!
Hahaha! That's funny!


I have an idea.
What's that?
We're going to guide Galga with food.
That's a great idea! Chris, you're so smart.
So, what are we going to use as bait?
Jurio is going to be the bait.
Wait a minute, that's a little to much...
Why me?
We have to bait Galga into the valley.
That's the only way to go ahead as planned.
All the world's fate is depending on this.
...You make it sound so easy.(……気楽に言ってくれるよ。)
Let me ask one thing. The valley's not a dead end, is it?
No, don't worry about that. Galga is too big to get through, but humans can.
That makes me fell a little better.(それを聞いて少し安心したよ。)
Just a little, though.(……少しだけ…。)

 この場面では「声だけ」のキャラが多いので、国内版も北米版もちゃんと「〜の声」になってますね。また、「アルフの声」が「Alf's Voice」とAlfに戻ってます(国内版もここだけ「アルフ」に戻ってるから、これで合ってるんだけど)。

[Lodi's Voice]
What are you doing!?
Come back!
[Chris's Voice]
Don't say that.(ダメよ。)
You're Galga's bait!(ガルガのエサなんだから。)
Do your best!(がんばりなさ〜い!)
[Lodi's Voice]
Is Chris really a child of the Chapel?(ほんっとに、クリスはチャッペルの子か?)


[Ambisch Soldier]
Good work!(よくやった!)
You are a brave man, worthy of knighthood!(君は騎士の称号をもらってもおかしくない勇敢な少年だ!)

 余談ながら、年表での「992年 ジュリオとクリス、ガルガ討伐大作戦に参加。『ジュリオがエサになるのよ大作戦』で協力。」は次の通り。
YR992 Jurio and Chris participate in a plan to defeat Galga, Jurio serving as bait.

Chapter 3:Shadow(影/「第三章 三都橋の幻影」)

 第二章でわかる事だけど、三都橋は「Three City Bridge」。


Master Jurio. Master Chris.(ジュリオ様、クリス様。)
Magisa entrusted this to me.(マギサからこれをあずかっております。)


[Ambisch Soldier]
Lodi needs more rest.
Don't worry. He is very popular among the maids of honor, and I think he likes it, too.
Very popular, huh?
His shorts have a great appeal, don't they?


There is a book that reads
"The Prophecies of the Moonlight Witch"
on the spine.

Her name was Gueld. She traveled throughout Tirasweel and disappeared, leaving ominous prophecies behind.
She was young, probably under 20, but her silver white hair gave her the nickname, the Moonlight Witch.
An evil mountain will appear from the sea and leave the town in ruins.
Gueld left this prophecy on the east coast of Menarth and various places in Ambisch.
Scholars think the mountain appearing from the sea can be interpreted as a new island formed by seismic activity.
When the earth forgets to produce, a mountain will cross the sea and you will hear the grief-stricken voices of people...
This prophecy is left almost everywhere in Menarth, a mountain is also referred to as a source of evil.
Unlike the first prophecy, however, it is impossible to interpret what the mountain means in this prophecy.
Some scholars of occultism interpret the two prophecies from completely different viewpoints.
They believe the two mountain are the same and refer to an attack by a giant monster appearing from the sea.


Baked potates smell good.
Right. They "smell" very good.
Smell, not "smell".(ニヨイじゃなくて、ニオイじゃ。)
You speak kinda funny.(ちょっとナマっとるんじゃないか?)
Do I?(そうかなー。)


Chris entered the cooking contest.
As a matter of fact.
Can she cook?
...I guess.


You stupid, useless, navel-protruding, short-legged dunderhead!(ドジっ! おたんこなす! デベソ! 短足! アンポンタン!)


By the way, you called Grandpa Lap "Great Magician."
Yes. He is genuinely a great wizard.
Of course, he's now living quietly in Ragpick Village without casting spells any longer.
Miss, it seems Master Lap's staff grew on you.
What's wrong, Mr.Morrison?
I didn't notice it until now.
It's so inattentive of me.
I remember that staff.
Why? This staff belonged to Grandpa Lap of Ragpick Village.
I do remember his name, too. I think his name was Mitchell Lap Haven.(ええ。ラップ様のお名前も思い出しましたよ。確かあのお方の俗称は、ミッシェル・ド・ラップ・ヘブン。)
Strictly speaking, he is not a great wizard, but a great sorcerer.(正確には大魔法使いではなく、大魔道師でございます。)
He is the legendary sorcerer who's the only person over traveled to the Witch's Island.(ただ1人、魔女の島に渡った伝説の大魔道師でございましょう。)
So he is still alive and well...(そうですか、お元気であられましたか…。)
What's the Witch's Island?
It's an island somewhere in the inland sea of Tirasweel. People say witches live on this island.
It is believed to be the origin of all spells.(そこが魔法の生まれた場所とされております。)
Oh my goodness...
Grandpa Lap was such a famous person.
I'll get his autograph when i go back.
You're so hopeless!
And that staff.
Well, perhaps I shouldn't be telling you about it.
Master Lap must have a plan. After all, he gave it to you, Chris.
What is it?
Don't give yourself airs.(もったいぶらないで教えてよ。)
I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm sure the truth will be revealed during your journey.
It's the best if you find it out when the time is right.


Chapter 4:The Forest(森/「第四章 聖獣の住む森」)

 作中での「聖獣アルグレス」は「the sacred beast Algres」。


"On the Shores of Lake Rupinas"
Phenthe, which lies along the shores of Lake Rupinas, is divided into two areas, the north and the south.
The north is governed by King Eneton, while the south is ruled by his younger brother Calak.
Originally Haizen in the north was the only capital, but the king divided the country at the births of his twin princes.
A mansion was built in Horuku. The king wished that the two prince would build a new nation.
Thus the twin capitals of Horuku and Haizen were born. The king wished that his sons would build a better country together.
The brothers developed a rivalry in the building of the country, competing in just about everything.
Probably out of grif over the sibling rivalry, a traveling witch left these words:
"Mother divides blood not to divided the country." They sound a word of caution for the future of Phenthe.


[Sage of Shifool]
The Forest of Deception...
Unfortunately I don't know where it is.
But do I remember this poem:
"In the Forest of Deception, treetops sway as winds blow from Shifool."
It's a poem by the Moonlight Witch.
Maybe you should look for a forest that receives winds from Shifool.

 「まろうどの賛歌」は「the Hymn for Callers」。

 一応念の為、「Another world」は「異界」。

Another thing. We could only see images at the other Shrines, but this time we heard sound, too.
[Great Oracle Denken]
It sound, "Raual."
I have no clue what it means, but we heard it.
[Great Oracle Denken]
Are you sure?
Is it important?
[Great Oracle Denken]
I can't believe this!
If the Wave of Raual has begun to travel, the situation must be very grave.
What is the Wave of Raual?
[Great Oracle Denken]
...The prophecies say...
...The Wave of Raual is the wave of destruction which will engulf the entire land and bring about the end of civilization.
The waves of destruction!?
[Great Oracle Denken]
If the Wave of Raual is truly moving, then the end of this world is near.
The end of the world?
That's absurd.
[Great Oracle Denken]
But who?
Who called the Wave of Raual?
No one can summon the wave unless he knows the spells of Another world...
Not to mention the existence of Raual is known only to a handful of people in Oldos...


I have one question, Great Oracle.
[Great Oracle Denken]
What is it?
What is the relationship between the Magic Mirrors in the five Shrines and the Moonlight Witch?
I heard many rumors about the Moonlight Witch on our way here.
[Great Oracle Denken]
The Moonlight Witch...
Gueld was a pilgrim, leaving prophecies as she went along. She came to Oldos around 20 years ago, and I met her personally.
Gueld left fragments of prophecies, but she didn't say anything about the wave of Raual.
Now I know why...
Gueld knew everything.
She could see the Wave of Raual apper and threaten to destroy the world unless something was done.
But she couldn't tell anyone.
The Wave of Raual was just too horrible to burden people with.
In fact, there were not many who could use spells those days, and spells were not accepted by people as they are now.
Chapel and Kand had just been born, and people were still skeptical and fearful of witches and sorcerers.
When witches preached their prophecies on the street, people verbally abused them and often threw stones at them.
It was a terrible time.
She preached prophecies for people...
Poor Gueld...
[Great Oracle Denken]
How could she tell those people that their world was going to be destroyed?
What happened to Gueld after that?
Is she still alive?
[Great Oracle Denken]
Unfortunately I don't know.
If she was alive, we should be hearing a rumor or two about her...
But we were saved by Gueld many times.
We stopped Galga's attack and found the Algres in the Forest of Deception. That all happened because of Gueld's hints.
[Great Oracle Denken]
Probably Gueld was leaving steps for those who would follow...(ゲルドはな。恐らく…。あとに続く者のために道を引いてくれたのじゃろう。)
...believing that someday people like you would appear and listen to her.(いつの日か、あなた方のように耳を傾ける者があらわれるのを信じてな。)

Chapter 5: A Lake Divided(わかたれた湖)


Waw, lucky you, you get to travel with two girls. I'm so jelly.(いいなぁ、女の子ふたりと旅かい。うらまやしいね。)
You mean jealous?(ねぇ、それを言うならうらやましい、でしょ。)


[Majio the Elder]
It's just like that little girl said.
What do you mean?
[Majio the Elder]
Maybe about 20 years ago...
When the Moonlight Witch came here, she was saying something about this.
"Mother divides blood not to divide the country."
That's what the Moonlight Witch said.


[Horuku Soldier]
I...didn't think you were really messengers from Ambisch...Um...
Didn't you make a promise?(約束がありましたわよね。)
You said something about doing a handstand and spinning around three times?
You promised, remember?(ぜったいだって、言ったよね。)
[Horuku Soldier]
Can you back up a bit?
You said you were going to spin around three times.
[Horuku Soldier]
Please, forgive me. No one can do a handstand while wearing armor!

Chapter 6:The Prophecy(予言/「第六章 動き出す予言」)

 「砂漠の黒豹」は「Desert Panther」。


Why are you here?(ナジェさんが、なじぇここに?)
I have the same question.(しゃれか、それ?)

 ちなみに、ウルギットが「力」を使って変化した時の叫び声は「(Roaring voice)」と表記される。少し興ざめかも。これは文化的な部分もあるんだろうけど(海外では「擬音」が少ないとされる)。


I'm sorry, but his wicked glowing red eyes were real.(いいや、奴の邪悪に輝く赤い瞳は紛れもない現実だった。)
Revas promised he would leave Ghidona alone, on the condition that we became their ally.
He also told me I would be in charge of all trading once the world became theirs.
The red eyes...(赤い瞳…。)
"Those with a seed of greed will soon lose sight of their heart. A man with red eyes will invite trouble."
My late grandmother said that to me.
She said it was a prophecy by the Moonlight Witch.
The Moonlight Witch?
I didn't know there was such a legend in this country.
It's not widely known like folklore...
The Moonlight Witch only said that to my grandmother, whom she befriended here 20 years ago.
My grandmother told me the Moonlight Witch was in a great hurry.
In a hurry?
Was she going somewhere?
My grandmother told me she headed for Pholthia.
The Moonlight Witch told her to watch out for the red eyes...
Do not be misled by red eyes.
She also said that when a man with red eyes appeared, an evil plan would be in the worked.
That's all know.


This is great!(まさしく。)
Great indeed.(これこそ。)
What an inevitable twist of fate!(避けられない運命のいたずら。)
As long as they see the legs sticking out from the barrels will think I'm sleeping behind them.
But in reality I was digging a tunnel.
I call in the "Decoy Legs Operation."(名付けて『ちょっと足が見えていて、いるかと思った作戦』)
A pretty good plan, isn't it?

I didn't do anything wrong .(別に悪いことをやったわけじゃないよ。)
It's what I call "a twist of fate."(いわゆる今回も、避けられない運命のいたずらとでも言うべきものなんだよ。)
It happened in Menarth as withered leaves fell...
This thing in Menarth, does it have a direct connection with why you are in prison?
Not of all.
I knew it...
Chris, you've become much sharper since the last time we met.(クリス。しばらく会わないうちに、つっこみが鋭くなったね。)
Have I?

 この後に出てくる、ジュリオとクリスが今までの旅を説明する場面の後のハダットの「俺にはスケールのでかすぎる話だ。」は「The story is too deep for me to grasp.」。


The Moonlight Witch's final prophecy?
After that, there are no more legends telling of the Moonlight Witch. Nobody knows whether she is alive or dead.
But I'm pretty sure what Durzel heard was her last prophecy.
It says:
"When emotionless soldiers pass the borders, the king bound by a spell will lose his power. Oceans and mountains will all die."
"The wave of evil will be drawn by a woman from Another World and a man who manipulates stars."

 ハックおじさんの「このままでは、ラウアールの波が来るというのも避けられない運命のようだ。」は「If we don't do anything, te arrival of the Wave of Raual will become a certainty.」。


I have a feeling that the Silver Dagger is the key that connects the five Shrines, the Moonlight Witch, and the Wave of Raual.


Chapter 7:Journey's(軌跡/「第七章 巡礼者の軌跡」)


While we traveled, we heard stories in many different places telling of the Moonlight Witch.
About Gueld...
Yes. We also saw in the Magic Mirror located in Oldos that Pholtia was going to lead the world to destruction.
We know about the Wave of Raual, too.
The Great Oracle told us that only those in Another World know about the Wave of Raual.
He also said that the Moonlight Witch was worried about it 20 years ago.
That girl, Gueld was...(あの娘は…ゲルドは…。)
Yes, she was like a quiet evening calm, the exact opposite of the raging wave of destruction, Raual.(そう、ラウアールを荒れ狂う破壊の波とすれば、ゲルドは、まるで物静かな夕凪だった。)
I think God still has some work for this old man.(どうやら運命の神はまだ、この老いぼれに役割を残しているらしい。)


I can't describe how I fell right now.
I was prepared for the possibility that we might have to face a sad truth like this...
I'm just really sad.
IT's like a cold wind blowing in the hollowness of my heart.
Since she's dead, that was her last prophecy.
That means her tracks end here.


Look, a sword...
Why is a sword stuck here?
It must have been here for a very long time, because it's rusted.
That is my sword.
I couldn't save that girl.
That's why I left my sword with her that day... the sword that was the symbol of my position as court swordsman.(だから、あの日以来、宮廷剣士の象徴である剣をあの娘の傍に葬ったのだ。)
I have no right to hold that sword again.(俺にはもう、その剣を持つ資格はない。)
Something is engraved on the stone monument.

The inscription reads:
Gagharv 972(ガガーブ歴 972年)
"Here Lies the Goddess(白き魔女と呼ばれた女神)
known as the Moonlight Witch"(ここに眠る。)

As you can see...
...Gueld is no longer with us.
Please tell us.
How did the Moonlight Witch die?
What is the light of hope Gueld is said to have left?(ゲルドの残した希望の光って…?)
Everything began on the beaches of Dorufes.
Anyway, I met Gueld around that time.(そう。ちょうど、その頃だ。)
I had heard of the Moonlight Witch, who was traveling through various countries and leaving prophecies with the local people.(諸国を巡礼し、人々に予言を説くという白き魔女の噂を聞いたのは。)
King Rudolf sent for me and gave me a secret mission.
He thought the Moonlight Witch was distorting people's thoughts, so he ordered me to capture her.(世間を騒がす魔女を捕らえろとな。)
I finally caught up with her in a small village in Chanom, which I had never heard of.
Gueld had beautyful silver hair tinted with a slight shade of purple.(少し紫がかった美しい髪をしていた。)
When I met her, I knew right away why she was called the "Moonlight Witch".
Far from the image associated with a "witch", she was a young woman, serene like the clear water springing up from a fountain.(魔女という言葉の響きからは、とうてい想像できない、透きとおった泉のような娘だったのだ。)
Gueld turned sad eyes towards me when she saw me following her.
She wasn't feeling sad because of her fate or for me, though.
She was worried about the disaster that was about to befall all the people in the world she loved.(白き魔女ゲルドは、世のすべての者に慈愛を向け、きたるべき災いを案じていたのだ。)
Gueld shifted her eyes to a little stream and said,
"Before long, the people of this country will be depressed by growing gap between the rich and the poor."
"The clear water of this little stream will also become clouded."
"But this is nobody's fault."
"Nature is merely reflecting what people desire."
She traveled from one town to another, leaving various prophecies at each place she stopped at.(ゲルドは町から町へと旅を続け、通り過ぎた町にさまざまな言葉を残した。)
She was sounding alarm bells about the ominous future.(人々に明日への警鐘を説いていたのだ。)
However,that fated event that she'd talked about many times happened to her without warning along a road covered with thick snow.(だが…。運命の日は、雪の降り積もる街道で突然訪れたのだ。)


It depends on the situation.(それは状況によるだろうね。)
I'll leave the decision to you.(キミたちの判断に任せるよ。)
But what if our decision is wrong?
Let's see...(そのときは…。)
Oh, yeah!(そうだね。)
Then we will apologize to Gueld together in heaven.(そのときはあの世に行ってからみんなでゲルドにあやまろう。)
I don't want to apologize.
Me, either.

Epilogue: Gueld(ゲルド/「最終章 やさしき魔女」)


I'm sorry, but we don't have any available rooms. Please try somewhere else.
Tell Brit that an old soldier has come.
Tell him now.
An old soldier?
Tell him, "The waves have ended."
He'll understand.
Who are you?
Oh...I know.
I've heard the story from Brit.


[Captain Brit]
Master Durzel!
It's been a long time.
Brit, you havn't changed at all.
[Captain Brit]
Thank you.
Sanpe from the inn has just sent the signal, "The waves have ended." Is... everything...?(『さざなみは終わった』という合図を宿屋のサンペから受けましたが、やはり…すべては…。)
It tooks like there's no way we can avoid a huge catastrophe.(大いなる災いは避けられない事実のようだ。)
[Captain Brit]
Master Durzel, didn't you say that you were going to come back after you make sure that the waves had been stopped?
Jurio and Chris here have completed their pilgrimage to the five Shrines.(ここにいるジュリオとクリスは銀の短剣を携えて、5つのシャリネを巡礼してきた。)
In other wards, the fact that these two are here proves that the large catastropheis, in fact, a definite possibility.(つまり、この2人がここにいるという事実が、相反する大いなる災いもまた、現実であるということを証明しているのだ。)
That's why I decided to leave the Tower of Dorufes.(だから俺は…ドルフェスの塔から出る決意をしたのだ。)
[Captain Brit]
The waves have ended, and the large catastrophe is on its way, isn't it?(さざなみはすでに終わり、大いなる災いが押し寄せているのですね。)


[Lodi] I decided against taking out my revenge on Galga, but I will never forgive YOU!(ガルガへのカタキ討ちは止めたが…。そうとわかっちゃ、許せねえな。)
I'll get you, no matter what it takes!
[Wizard Kajim]
My, what a hot-blooded friend you have there.(ほう、血の気の多い助っ人ですな。)
It's no good, Lodi.
Kajim is an Wizard.
Don't worry.
I didn't come here for revenge.
I heard about you from the warrior monks at Oldos. I came here, thinking I could be of help somehow.
And I still have many things I want to go.
Right now, what I want to do is to help you.(まあ、とりあえず。今やりたいことは、お前たちの手助けだ。)
You say admirable things for a young one.
I can safely trust you.
Who's that?
It's Master Durzel.
Master Durzel?
You know of this old man?(この年寄りを知っていてくれたか。)
Of course I know you!(知ってるとも。)
You're the hero that I've been looking up to all these years!(あんたこそ、俺が憧れつづけてきた英雄さ。)
I feel more confident now.
Leave this to me, and go on ahead.
Prepare to die!(いくぜ!)


I guess that's it.(こんなもんかな。)
[Jurio & Chris]
What are you doing here?(な、何でこんなところにアルフがいるのよ…。)
I thought I'd be farther ahead of you.(やっぱり君たちを追い抜かしていたか。)
People in Pholthia know my face.(私の顔はフォルティアでも知られているからね。)
Oh, don't tell Morrison about this. He's always so worried. He'll never let me out of the castle again if he finds out.(そうそう、モリスンには内緒だぞ。あいつは心配性だから、知られたら城を出してもらえんからな。)
King Alfred. It's been a while.
Hey, Durzel. You can call me Alf, like old times.
It just feels weird for you guys to call me 'King.'(君に王なんて呼ばれたら、なんだか調子が狂うよ。)
You know Master Durzel?
It was a brief time, but we traveled together.
We have no time to talk about old times.
Leave the defense here up to me.
I'll stop any enemy that tries to get through here.
Now, go on.


[Hooded Man]
We made it in time.(間に合いましたな。)
Mr.Jurio, Ms.Chris.(ジュリオ様、クリス様。)
That voice sounds familiar...
[Hooded Man]
I have come to help in Magisa's stead.(マギサに成り代わってお手伝いさせていただきます。)
It looks like you guys are after an enemy much bigger than Galga.(どうやら今度はガルガより巨大な敵に挑んでおられるようでございますな。)
I will defend this path to the death.
You guys go on ahead.


I don't know why, but the monster soldiers are coming by the waves!
You came to help us?
Not really. I came to help these two.
But then the situation turned and we came under attack...
We came to run away.
Hear they come.
You guys are the path of hope that the Moonlight Witch left, right?
That's what Huck was saying.
Hurry and go.
We won't let any of them get through to the observatory.


You were too late. I don't have to do anything more. The ceremony is complete.
Now all I have to do is to wait for the Wave of Raual to appear in the world.
Why did you do such a thing?
It's interesting to watch you be destroyed without knowing why...(理由もわからずに、滅びゆく世界とともに消えるのも一興だろうが…。)
But I'll respect your efforts to get this far and I'll tell you.(ここまで来た努力に敬意を払い、教えてやろう。)
This is to save our world, the world that you refer to as Another World.
The Witch's Island that floats in the Witch's Sea...That's what you think it is, but actually, that's not true.
There is no island there.(そこに島などなく、)
Just a "rift" in space.(あるのは空間の『ひずみ』なのだ。)
The two worlds are connected there, and that's the only place where you can get back and forth between the two worlds.
There are people that live in Another World, living just like people of this world.
The people's lives in Another World are threatened by the Wave of Raual.
We realized that 30 years ago.
You think it's right to destroy our world to save yours?
We debated over and over in our world, too.(我々の世界でも様々な意見が出たよ。)
Some of us came over to this world to see if that was allowed or not. They walked this world with their own feet.
That's the Witch's pilgrimage...
That's right.
Among those who traveled, there were some people that left advice so as not to create the wills of despair in the world.(中には、白き魔女と呼ばれたゲルドのように、この世界がの者が嘆きの想念を生み出さないようにと助言を残して旅をした者もいる。)
But we already had our conclusion.
Do you understand now?
...Was there no way...
No way to save both worlds?
No, there was no way to do that.
No, as far as I know, there was no way.(いや、少なくとも私の調べた限りでは方法は他になかった。)
Then, there might be a way?
Anything is possible.
But we had no time.


I've made a decision.
I'm going to demand some reward money from King Rudolf after this is over.
He better give me about 30 million Piers or something to make it even.
Man, all we get is bad luck hanging around you.(まったく、お前たちと一緒にいると災難ばかりだぜ。)
Master Durzel.
I have something to ask of you if we succeed in this mission.
Sure, as long as you're alive then.
I'll make sure I'm still alive.
Now, let's go find the queen and end this thing.


Queen Isabelle!
[Queen Isabelle]
It's almost here.
No one can stop it now.
This world is going to end, in lieu of ours.
Why did you execute a plan like this?
You want to protect your own world by sacrificing our perfectly innocent world?(罪もない世界を犠牲にしてまで、自らの世界を守りたいか!)
[Queen Isabelle]
Perfectly innocent world...(罪もない世界…。)
Perhaps you people just don't know.(あなた方が御存じでないだけかも知れませんね。)
Sin? What sin?
How dare you speak like that when you brought over something horrible that was made in your world.
[Queen Isabelle]
You, no, this world, is sinful.(あなた方にも、いえ、この世界にも、罪はあるのです。)
This world has a sin that can never be forgiven...(決して打ち消せない、深い罪が…。)


[Queen Isabelle]
...You did it.
I lost...
And now...There is nothing left that calls to...the Wave...of Raual...
Even I...don't know...if this world...is saved.
Please...Please tell us...
What is the sin of this world?
[Queen Isabelle]

Queen Isabelle closed her eyes for a while, as if collecting her thoughts.

[Queen Isabelle]
...Everyone has sin.
...Let us pray that at least this world is saved.


The skies...
We...didn't make it...
There has to be some other way.
There has to be away!(きっと方法があるわ!)
We can't waste all of our efforts...(だって、そうじゃちゃ…。)
All our efforts to get here!(そうじゃなくちゃ、私たちがここまで来た意味がないじゃない!)
We can't give up!
Gueld's staff...
That's Gueld...?
The M-Moonlight Witch...
We were with...(私たちは…。)
We were with Gueld the whole time...(いつでもゲルドと一緒にいたのね…。)
Gueld's spirit...(ゲルドの魂が…。)
She's trying to merge with the Wave of Raual.(ラウアールの波と、同化しようとしているんだよ。)
The only way to nullify a monster made of psyche...(想念から生まれた怪物を無に返す手段は…。)
is to tie it in with her soul itself...(もはや、自らの魂と共に結びつき、最後の存在である魂を自分の手で消滅させるより他は御座いません。)
and to destroy it using the last existence, the soul...with her own will.
Why can she be so kind?
She gave her body...
And now her soul...
What did this world do for you to make such a sacrifice?
I think I understand.
You can't just think this world or that world...
You can't separate them.
It's all wrong to think that one or the other world should survive...
Gueld had faith in this last chance.
Where's Gueld?
Her existence is now gone, along with the Wave of Raual.
Gone for good?(いなくなっちまったのか?)
Can't find her anywhere.
Even her soul...
We can't even thank her for saving the world, then...
The Moonlight Witch doesn't need to be thanked.
I guess so...
We did our best, too,(あたしたちも結構頑張ったのにさ。)
but it looks like the Moonlight Witch took credit for all the good stuff.(なんだか白き魔女にいいところを全部持っていかれちゃったわね。)
There's nothing we could do.(仕方ねーさ。)
We can't win against a ghost.(幽霊には勝てねーよ。)
Uncle Huck.
What was that you were saying about another way when we were in the observatory?
Is that what you found at the ruins of Ghidona?
Oh, that?(ああ、そのことだね。)
It wasn't very honorable way, now that we can see things better.(今となっては恥ずべき方法だよ。)
Remember that inscription about the era of Gagharv that Master Durzel carved on the Hill of Gueld?(ゲルドの丘にデュルゼル殿が刻んだガガーブ歴の碑文があっただろ。)
I saw that, and I thought about something.
The Wave of Raual and the crevices of Gagharv overlapped in my mind.
And I thought the answers were in the ruins of Ghidona.
...I was right.(…思ったとおりだった。)
This wasn't the first time that the Wave of Raual attacked.(ラウアールの波の脅威は、今回が初めてではなかったのだよ。)
The Wave of Raual appeared in this world 992 years ago.(今から992年前にも、ラウアールの波はこの世界に現れていたんだ。)
992 years ago? That's when the era of Gagharv started, isn't it?(992年前って、ガガーブ歴が始まった年じゃないか。)
Gagharv, carved in the earth, was the results of the Wave of Raual resistance.(大地に刻まれたガガーブこそ、かつて牙をむいたラウアールの波の爪痕だったのだよ。)
The Wave of Raual was called from the Another World on the past, too?
No, that's not right. The will that became the original form of the Wave of Raual was created in this world.(ラウアールの波の元になった想念はこの世界で生まれ、それを当時の人々が異界に押しやったんだ。)
The people at the time sent in out to Another World.
The people of this world...
I see...
That's what Queen Isabelle was calling the 'sin of this world.'


Nobody knew this would happen.(誰にも予想はできなかったのですよ。)
The only that knew ahead of time and took action was the Moonlight Witch...(唯一、すべてを知って始めから行動をしていたのは白き魔女だけだったのですから…。)
If it weren't for Gueld, we probably would have been destroyed without knowing the truth of what was going on.
That's right.
We were saved only because the Moonlight Witch left us a path of hope.
Now Gueld can rest in peace.
That's right.
That's the way it's supposed to be.
Otherwise, it's too sad...
(You're still alive.)((生きてるじゃないか。))
(Of course.)((当たり前だ。))
(You still remember your promise, don't you?)
(Don't underestimate me.)((みくびるなよ。))
(I'm still too young to turn senile.)((まだボケるには早いさ。))

 噴水の場面での「あばよ。」「あばよ。」「あばよ。」「あべよ。」は「See ya.」「See ya...」「See ya.」「See ya!」。


Some people refer to me as the model court swordsman, the hero of my generation, but that's all a misunderstanding.(俺のことを宮廷剣士の鏡とか、希代の英雄だとか呼んでくれる者もいるが、そんなのは、テイのいい勘違いだ。)
What I had become was just one of the castle officers, but with a sword. We had all forgotten our ways.
And when we realized, we were caught up in the bureaucracy, unable to see the forest for the trees.
It's all over when that happens.
I feel the heroes live with the people.
And heroes aren't people who defend one person's will or who fight well in battles.(それは、特定の者の思惑を守る者でも、戦いで名を馳せる武人でもない。)
Heroes are those who understand the weak in a pure way and who can always be optimistic.
I think Gueld and you guys are more worthy to be referred to as heroes. Do not forget your adventure.(俺なんかより、むしろ、ゲルドやお前たちこそが英雄と呼ばれるのにふさわしいのだ。この旅を忘れるなよ。)


[Lodi] The sword broke.
I guess we can't fight anymore.
That sword is Esperancer, isn't it?(確か、その剣はエスペランサー。)
The name denotes "hope", right?(希望という意味を持つ名の剣だろ?)
Does this mean you lost hope?
No, there is more than one hope.
Even if one hope is lost, a new hope is born somewhere.
Is your new hope Jurio and Chris?
They are the hope of this world.(それは世界にとっての希望だ。)
For now, I guess my new hope is you.(さしずめ、この俺にとっての新しい希望とは、どうやら、お前のようだな。)
You get me on that one.(一本取られたな。)


Dear Jurio,
A strong, sharp sword is not the only kind of useful sword.(頑丈で鋭い剣だけが良い剣ではない。)
Sometimes, a chipped sword that seems like it's about to shatter can be the best sword you have.(ときには刃がこぼれ、すぐにも折れそうな剣が最良の名剣となることもある。)
The same goes for this world.(人の世も、かくあらん。)


Grandpa Lap, you've been to Another World, havn't you?
[Grandpa Lap]
Why are you keeping it a secret that you're a really powerful person?
[Grandpa Lap]
Oh, so you figured that out, huh?
Listen, Jurio...Chris...
It's no longer an age where a trained sorcerer can defeat evil dragons or a strong swordsman can become a king with his sword.
The world is not simple enough anymore to be controlled in such ways.Now, each of us has to utilize our own skills to help everyone that lives in the place we call home.
That's the only way.
In order to do that, a "Legendary Hero" is nothing but a nuisance.
From now on, we need the power that is rooted in the earth itself.(これからは、大地に根をおろした力こそが必要なのじゃよ。)
Just like Gueld's soul.(ゲルドの心のようにな。)



Just like Gueld's soul...

Long ago, a girl known as the Moonlight Witch
traveled the land of Tirasweel.
A visitor from Another World,
she walked alone on a journey of pilgrimage,
sowing hope in her walk.

Near the end of the time when people believed
that no land existed on the other side of Gagharv
or beyond the Backbone of the Great Serpent,
Jurio and Chris set off on a journey of pilgrimage.

The two young travelers walked the path of hope
that the Moonlight Witch had left.

The path was still there, twenty years after its making.

When havoc ensued by the Wave of Raual.

two world were saved by the pilgrims,
each helped along their travels
by the various people they met.

This was in the Gagharv Year 992,
when the people of Tirasweel were beginning to hear
the harbinger of a new millennium.

A girl known as the Moonlight Witch traveled the land of Tirasweel.
The Witch's name was Gueld.

(注:後半の「two world〜」の先頭が小文字なのは単に誤字(本当は先頭が大文字になるはず)だと思われる。)

 ちなみにスタッフロール中で出てくる、オリジナル版の表記は「The Legend of Heroes III White Witch(Japanese version)」。
 また、最後の方の白き魔女の姿がブラックアウトした後、「The road ends for none...(道はまだ終わらない…)」と出てくる。これは国内PSP版では「旅は終わらない…。」、オリジナル版(PC-98/Win)にはありませんので念の為。


 「女剣士サフィー」は「Swordswoman Sapphie」。そのまんまですね。
 あと年表でのガガーブ歴の表記「YR992 ……」になっています。




 「英雄伝説III 白き魔女」(Windows版)日本ファルコム/原文の確認(国内版PSP版はロードの関係と、確認には英語版といちいちメディアを入れ替えないといけないので……PSPが2台あれば別だったけど)
 「英雄伝説ファンブック ガガーブトリロジー回想録」新紀元社/原文の確認

「ガガーブ三部作 目次」に戻る

Last Update:10/24/2006 21:58
